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Home » Modules » Properties
Real estate management is all about properties. CLOUDBRIXX therefore also places them at the center of the software and connects all processes around and with the properties so that all data is always available at the property.
CLOUDBRIXX’s Real Estate Management System is constantly evolving and centralizes all information about properties, whether buildings, land, technical or commercial space. This Single-Point-of-Truth approach enables future-proof and effective management and provides the CLOUDBRIXX modules easily and transparently with all the information required for efficient, process-oriented workflows.
Once created centrally, you can easily connect your properties to all other CLOUDBRIXX modules and actions via drop-down menus. This way, you always reference the central database and get an overview of all activities in your property at a glance.
All of your data is available to you throughout the system for the specialized modules, whether it is information on the building class for the ‘inspection manager’ in the module ‘equipments’, linked contacts as owner or vendor in the Orders module, or map data that you want to use in your individual object data sheet.
Expand the master data with your own content in your individual data fields. No developer is required for this in CLOUDBRIXX – simply create the database fields yourself via the system settings and use them to expand the database according to your requirements.
You can also adapt category lists provided by the system, such as usage types, property status or area types, according to your needs.
For the structuring of your properties, portfolios are additionally available for the categorization as well as stackable filing structures
All data in CLOUDBRIXX is always assigned to projects, so our projects interact flexibly with properties. Projects can be exclusively subordinated to a property in order to store the master data of the property, to coordinate construction of a new building, a renovation or a tenant improvement with a dedicated project group.
If you are planning a larger project, a campus, or multiple buildings in one project, the projects may also include and overlap multiple properties.
In a project development, you can also start your projects completely free of a property and add it as needed later in the project.
All projects can be freely arranged in a project structure in addition to a property assignment.
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